Friday, December 24, 2010

Wish you a Merry Christmas

Inspiring Creative and Innovative Minds

Is Christmas eve, my favorite festival, a day to celebrate the coming of Jesus. Wish all the people around have a very good day and peace be with you, God blessed! :D

Friday, December 10, 2010


Inspiring Creative and Innovative Minds

While I search about mybrain15, I found an interest title by coincidence. Publish or Perish abbreviate PoP, which is a tool for researcher to check their article ranking or what we always called as impact factor.

With this application, user can search around all the publication for the particular author. Whilst the original purpose of this app it to should the cited article by the particular author. However, I found it's just great for me to view my publication cited and also the journal impact. Let have a try if you haven't!